Jacking Frames This spindle-based injector handling system gives the user a significant safer working environment and a very accurate movement as the injector is moved up and skidded on synchronized self-locking spindles
Coiled Tubing Reels The DID system is split into two (Powerstand and Spool) for utilizing maximum crane capacity on the rig, thus designed for optimization and efficiency during a coiled tubing operation.
Lift Frames We deliver tailor made lift frames up to 750 mt, both standard (CTLF), telescopic (TCTLF) and compensated (CCTLF) and wire line lift frame for increased flexibility and safety.
Lynx Wireline Masts The new 90' LynxTM Wire Line Mast is setting a new industry standard. Introducing superior efficiency, increased working environment and without the need for external cranes once it is installed.